General Rules When Training for Tang Soo Do

Josefiks Korean Tang Soo Do, LLC is a company that offers individuals with an opportunity to learn Tang Soo Do. With the help of Master Gary S. Josefik, we teach children and adults a martial art that will help them improve mentally and physically.

Start of Class

All formal classes should have the setup of the flags in the front of the training area in the following way:

It is the responsibility of the lowest-ranking students in the class to hang up the flags and to take care of them after the class is over.

Upon Entering the Dojang

Students entering the dojang in either do bohk or street clothes should salute the flags and bow to the instructor on the floor. This will be done without exception, and the student does not have to wait for the instructor to acknowledge him/her if the instructor is busy.

Students shall line up according to rank and seniority. The higher-ranking members will stay on the right. The instructor will take a position in the front center of the class.

The highest-ranking member in the class will call the following commands:

  • Cha Ryut (Attention)
  • Kukgi Baa Rye (Salute the Flag)
  • Ba Ro (Return)
  • Ahn Jo (Sitting Position)
  • Muk Yum (Meditation)
  • Ba Ro (Return)
  • Kwan Chang Nim E Kyung Yet (Bow to Grandmaster)
  • Sah Bum Nim E Kyung Yet (Bow to Instructor)

The instructor will then prepare the class for warm-up exercises and drills. This step will help ensure that no injury will happen during the training.

  • Choon Bee (Ready Stance)
  • Shio (Rest)
  • Shi Jak (Begin)
  • Tora (Turn)
  • Ku Ryung E Mat Cho So (by the Count)
  • Ku Ryung up Shi (Without Count)


Prior to training, members should practice warm-up exercises in order to prepare their body and mind. An unprepared body could be strained under rigorous Tang Soo Do exercises.

After the training, students should relax with a series of exercises. This will help them return to a calm and normal state.


Salutation, which is an integral part of training in Tang Soo Do, should always be prioritized. Members should bow to their instructor, to senior members, and to opponents.

They should not lose self-control, prudence, or composure during training or sparring sessions. Before and after exercise or contest, each participant should turn around, adjust his/her uniform, and bow to his/her opponent or instructor.

While seated on the floor, each member should keep a proper posture conducive to good health. His/her hands should be placed on his/her knees. His/her back should also be straight, and his/her legs should be crossed in front with his/her feet tucked beneath the thighs.

Do Bohk

Members should exercise care in keeping their do bohk clean and pressed at all times. It is important to give a good impression of our art. A neat appearance is important in this respect.

A high degree of cleanliness should always be maintained among members. Members should take care to pay respect to their bodies and keep themselves clean. Fingernails and toenails should be clipped and kept short to prevent injury while fighting. All do bohks should be folded properly upon entering and leaving the dojang.

Click here to learn how to fold your do bohk properly.

Basic Actions

In order to promote improvement in skill, one must learn the basic actions and practice them constantly until they are perfected. Students have to master various forms in order to improve themselves. They must also expend their concentration and work.

Through forms and basic actions, precise and accurate techniques will result. It should be remembered that all Tang Soo Do techniques depend on basic actions and forms. Students should learn them properly and apply them when free fighting.

During the Class

Proper respect and discipline shall be maintained at all times, and Tang Soo Do ritual should be followed in a uniform manner. When the chief instructor of the school or a high-ranking guest enters the dojang, the instructor on the floor or highest-ranking member in the class should call the class to attention and have the class bow. After respect has been paid, the class should return to the training immediately.

When a student comes to class late, he/she should wait until the instructor recognizes him/her. He/she shall then approach the instructor, bow, and get permission to join the class. On the other hand, when a student must leave the class, he/she should first receive permission from the instructor.

If a student has to ask the instructor anything, he/she must first approach a senior member to gain permission. A chain of command should be instituted and not breached for any reason.

In addition, members should observe proper protocol and orderliness during practice. The dojang should always be kept clean, in order, and well ventilated.

Dismissing the Class

Same as with the beginning of the class, students line up according to rank. The senior member gives the same commands that are used to start the class.

When the command to bow to the instructor is given, all members should say the following to the instructor with clarity: Ko map sum ni da! (Thank You, Sir).

The class instructor or senior member then calls: “Five Tang Soo Do codes.” As a response, the entire class should recite the five codes together loudly and clearly.

Then, all members should call “Tang Soo” with their right hands raised. When the instructor dismisses the class, the senior member should take over and say: “Face the black belts.” and “Kyung Yet to the black belts.”

After giving any comments to the class or any warnings, the senior member arranges the class members for cleaning detail. He/she may then dismiss the class.

The Five Tang Soo Do Codes

  • Loyalty to Country
  • Obedience to Parents
  • Honor Friendship
  • No Retreat in Battle
  • In Fighting, Choose With Sense and Honor.

The five codes of Tang Soo Do apply to all members and are meant to guide each practitioner. All students are required to memorize them and fully understand the meaning of the codes. They should also commit 7 tenants and 14 attitude requirements to memory.

Contact [email protected] if you are looking for something that you don't see listed.

Copyright © 1999 Josefik's Korean Tang Soo Do. All rights reserved.

This site was created by Country Systems and is maintained by Charles Mitchell

The content contained within this page is the property of the World Tang Soo Do Association and Josefiks Korean Tang Soo Do, LLC. The images and information contained herein may not be reproduced without the expressed permission of the World Tang Soo Do Association Headquarters and Josefiks Korean Tang Soo Do, LLC.

World Tang Soo Do Association

2436 Hanford Rd
Burlington, NC 27215

Phone: (336) 223-0056 or (215) 468-2121

Fax: (215) 336-2121